
Challenge Accepted

This my friend Anne

(look at those GUNS!! You don't want to mess with Anne!) Which is the reason when she challenged me to write about her blog on MY blog I figured I better do it!

I've never actually read Anne's blog or even seen it but I add my recommendation that the writing is superb - namely it can't be beat. The flow of the writing is like a raging river ready to sweep you away if you aren't careful and step in unawares. Sometimes the words pound you and you fear for your life. And don't get me started on the pictures! Definitely worth at least a couple of words. Everyone should feel like this about Anne's blog -

and ask her about it TODAY! You don't want to miss out - I know I am but I haven't been considered worthy enough yet to read it. I'm hoping after she sees this (and a bit of groveling) I can finally be granted access. It will be a day to remember (I think I might even write about it in my JOURNAL!!).

So if you don't want this to happen to you -

or have Anne use this on you-
Ask her about her blog today and avoid a sure and painful death!
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