
Heading To Hell In A Handbasket?

Can I just tell you that I'm really tired of the pandemic? But worse is I'm really tired of the pandemic and people. The last few weeks in Utah we have seen a resurgence of cases of COVID and the continued refusals to wear masks, stay home when possibly being sick and even refusing to be tested. All the while there are still cries of rights being taken away or that we "just need to get back to normal life."

Now, I'm going to be really frank—something that may not be appreciated by everyone, but I want to share my thoughts on some of the more common things that have been floating and flying around for months in regards to the pandemic and COVID that I've been shaking my head at for some time, but it seems to be getting worse!!

I understand the inconvenience of wearing a mask and that at times it is downright uncomfortable. I went for a walk this afternoon with my wife and a kind ward member, and we all wore masks. Not very fun when walking uphill and trying to have a conversation. But my wife, Jess, has MS—she is in the high-risk category and I am afraid of her catching COVID and experiencing severe symptoms or even worse. 

I understand the economy is struggling as are families because of shut downs. It is difficult and has put immense pressure and burdens on families and individuals as they try to cope with the loss of jobs, the uncertainty of finances or potentially bleak looking future. 

But what has scared and frustrated me the most, is the apparent lack of regard for other people and the potential for harm that exists both for those we don't know, but perhaps even our loved ones. 

Who are we, Utah?!?

Who are we, America?!?

Are we really a people that only care about ourselves, what we consider to be "our rights," and show a complete lack of empathy or common sense in regards to the potential infection or death of those around us?

So let's take a step back for a minute - do you know where the saying came from, "Going to hell in a handbasket"? I didn't either so I looked it up. The saying referred to the gold rush of 1949 where men were lowered by hand in baskets down mining shafts to set dynamite. If there was a problem or they did not get out quick enough, it was referred to as "going to hell in a handbasket."

And I realized how applicable it could be to where we are right now!

It’s like we’ve all been lowered into the mine together. We will be able to get out eventually but not yet. So we are all down there with the dynamite - with something that if everyone isn’t cautious and careful could kill many people and injure many more. Therefore, if we are going to all be safe it requires the caution, concern and care of those around us.

One group of people in our mining scenario takes some dynamite but insists it is all a conspiracy. That dynamite can’t blow up and isn’t anything other than a stick. And those that are saying it’s going to blow up are trying to get rid of the current mining President. And all of the danger they speak of is just a ploy.

But the coronavirus is just a conspiracy!! We are all being scammed!

Honestly, this one is so hard for me to hear. Can we take just a minute to think/talk about this statement or belief? 

So all of the people who have had COVID, all of the people who died from COVID or complications of COVID, all of the leaders who have talked about it, all of the scientists and medical experts that have discussed it, and all of the local doctors and hospitals that have shared about treating patients—they are all just lying about it? 

What is their purpose in lying about it? All these completely unrelated people just one day decided they were going to collectively deceive the American people? 

They are trying to control us and take away our rights!

Others begin throwing the dynamite around. People plead with them to not throw it around and those that have worked in the mines for a long time that are experts in dynamite tell them of the danger. But they refuse to comply saying that, “No one can tell them what to do. They have rights.” So even though the entire mine is threatened, they stomp their feet and refuse to comply.

I've heard many statements about the government trying to control us and that wearing masks and following social distancing is just the government's way to control us and make us compliant. 

Please tell me though, what rights are being taken away? 

The right to express ourselves? 

We clearly know that one is not being trampled. Just get on social media for a minute.

The right to believe as we wish? 

We can still believe as we wish. I'm not seeing anyone saying otherwise.

The right to assemble? The right to freedom of press? 

None of these freedoms are being taken away by being asked or even required to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

The difficult part? In America, do we believe that a right is to act whatever way we choose with not having to face or even acknowledge the effect or consequences on other people? 

Is that who we really want to be as an individual and as a people? Considering inconvenience and our difficulty as the most important matter that supersedes all else including the possible death or immense illness for others? 

Well we just need to go back to normal! If you are high-risk than YOU can take extra precautions but the rest of us just need to get back to life. 

Soon people get tired of being down in the mine. Some start saying we just need to get back to it, which means just setting off the dynamite. This will hurt a lot of people potentially but for those that are tired of it, they insist it is the best way.

I honestly wish these statements could be true. That those that were high-risk could just take extra precautions and everyone else could just get back to it. But the infection isn't predictable. It affects some people that aren't high-risk very badly. And the way the virus works and spreads, those that are high-risk would have to have no contact or never leave their houses at all in order to be safe. What kind of life is that? Simply so we don't have to wear a mask or practice social distancing. 

And just consider for a moment—if someone YOU love were to catch the virus and die. It is a possibility for all of us. And it becomes a much scarier factor when we consider how it could affect us personally. I don't think any one of us want someone we love to suffer and die. 

Also, consider for a moment those healthcare workers that are already strained to the max in some hospitals. They will also suffer if we just "go back to normal" and the cases rise even more drastically. Then when we may need help, there may not be doctors or nurses to help! 

Well if God wills it, or it's "my time to go" it will just happen, so why worry about restricting myself?

Some light the dynamite and hold onto it even as others scramble to help them, or convince them it isn't the way, but they insist, "If it's my time to go, according to God, then I will die." They ignore the other people that have nowhere to go to get out of the way of the blast, or potential collapse in the mine from the blast, so they will die too. 

If we use the "logic" of God's will to justify not wearing a mask or social distancing, then we might as well not look both ways when we cross the street, not stop at stop signs or lights and not go to the hospital or a doctor if we are very ill. We as people do things all the time to avoid unnecessary harm or potential death to ourselves or others and don't consider that "thwarting God's will." God gave us a brain and expects us to use it. He has also asked to look out for others, and to do what we can to help others. Not look out only for ourselves and claim it is His will. 

So if wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, getting tested if we suspect we are ill so we can do all we can to avoid exposing others are the things that can make the biggest difference in turning things around, avoiding more and more deaths, the overwhelming of hospitals and healthcare workers...


Please, please, please think about those you love. Think outside your little world to the people that
others love. Think about the healthcare workers. Let's stop thinking about only ourselves, sacrifice for the betterment of all those around us, and let us do what we can do that will lead to something better. If we cry and cry about all the reasons we don't like the pandemic, spout our theories of why it is happening or who is causing it or how we think the leaders of our state or country have failed, can we take a step back and look in the mirror and consider perhaps we need to do something different. 

Utah, let's step up to the ideals we so often preach and try coming together. What we are doing isn't working and the virus is spreading rapidly and there is a threat to the things we all hope to get back to as soon as possible. So let's instead all try something different and follow the suggestions of hundreds to thousands of doctors and scientists and really doing our personal part to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

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